Restore Yourself with the Therapeutic Side of Yoga

Yoga Therapeutics

Therapeutic Yoga is a style that takes a whole-body approach to improving your overall wellbeing. It can support the optimal functioning of your joints, muscles, and organs and help to relieve stress or pain that may cause discomfort.

When you join a Therapeutic Yoga class, you will be guided through a series of gentle, healing movements that may or may not include myofascial release. There may also be a focus on relaxation techniques, positive affirmations, and meditation. This will help improve not only your physical health but imbalances in your energy as well.


MyoYin is an emerging modality that incorporates myofascial release with Yin Yoga. When curated well, the practice leverages concepts from Traditional Chinese Medicine, specifically 5 Element Theory, to create a practice that balances the energies of the season, and/or will offer opportunities to lean into the intersection of East and South Asian philosophy.

These powerful practices prove an effective methodology that aids in pain relief while increasing mobility, flexibility, physical performance and body awareness. MyoYin might also improve your breathing, release physical and emotional stress and emotional blockages, which might show up in the body as tension or pain.