Radical Dreaming

Yin Yoga

Actioning your yoga resources of mind mastery while sitting in shapes for 3-6 minutes encourages resilience, agency, and internal body awareness. Yin Yoga creates opportunities for the practitioner to befriend their body and mind while connecting deeply to their spirit.

Restorative Yoga

Resting together in spite of, and alongside, the stories in our DNA is an opportunity to pacify the nervous system, rehearse rest, and engage in collective repair. Restorative Yoga invites the practitioner into uncompromised comfort for a complete release of stress, anxiety, and old ways of being.

Yoga Nidra

It is hard to create a future of inspired action without any experience to help foretell one’s success. Vision, rest, and be in this state of consciousness that is exquisitely guided while you rest in savasana.